A feedback mechanism(website) for 'my app( Drawing cherry blossoms ♡ )' users

A feedback mechanism(website) for 'my app( Drawing cherry blossoms  )' users

☺  For Universal Windows app for Windows 10

“Store” & “Store Web Site” 
◈ Compatibility: Requires Windows 10

App Title : Drawing cherry blossoms 

Price : Free
Released : January 2016

Get it on Windows 10


☺ For Windows Phone 8.1 App

 “Windows Phone Store” & “Windows Phone Store Web Site”

◈ Compatibility: Requires Windows Phone 8.1 or later. (Compatible with Windows Phone 10)

App Title : 
Drawing cherry blossoms 

Price : Free
Released : January 2016

Get it from Microsoft


☺  For Windows 8.1 App

“Windows Store” & “Windows Store Web Site” 

◈ Compatibility: Requires Windows 8.1 or later. (Compatible with Windows 10)

App Title : Drawing cherry blossoms 

Price : Free
Released : January 2016

Get it from Microsoft


Hi there~ :)

I’m ‘마음’(/Maum/ that means ‘Peace of mind’).
◯ My app name is “ Drawing cherry blossoms  .”
♥ This website(my Blog) is my contact information for my app users.

◯ If you have question any about my app, you can write a comment on this website(my Blog), Or :), you can email me to “ osy2201@gmail.com ”.

◯ I’ll be happy if getting your any commnet and email about my app, then update my app as soon as possible in accordance with your need.

♥ Thank you for using my app. :)

Have a great day~_^


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